Monday, January 24, 2011

Cradle List

I was watching How I Met Your Mother tonight and there was a part where Lily & Marshall were discussing their "Cradle List"... things that they wanted to do before having babies. I loved this idea! Nate & I sometimes talk about the things we'd still like to do before having children, and being the list-lover that I am, I decided to put it all down. :o)

Lindsey's "Cradle List"
1. Go skydiving
2. Take one more amazingly romantic vacation (Italy, Dominican Republic... doesn't matter as long as it's fabulous and superbly romantic)
3. Get a DSLR camera and learn how to use it well

Sunday, November 28, 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it is time to start enjoying my favorite parts of the winter season! I love everything about Christmas-time... cozy sweaters, tall boots, pretty red pedicures, colorful scarves, snow, peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks, shopping for the ones I love, family get togethers, Christmas music, Christmas movies and making holiday cards!

Since Nate and I were married back in 2006, I've had so much fun making our annual holiday card. Every year, I've included photos, but it's been a lot of work! I used to buy the cards that you have to slip a photo inside and write a letter that is folded inside... until last year, when I discovered Shutterfly's photo cards! I went to their website and picked out my favorite design, uploaded 4 of my favorite photos to the card design, typed up a short letter for the back side and that was it! It was a fantastic deal, saved me a lot of time, and were so cute! This year, I am taking part in their "50 Free Christmas Cards" promotion. I was so excited to go to their website and look at my favorite designs this year.

If you are interested in checking out some of the great products that Shutterfly has to offer, click any of the links below.

Christmas photo cards

Holiday cards
